Church at Klamath Lutheran takes place on
Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m.
The service lasts approximately one hour.
We meet in person at the church.
The 2nd Sunday of the month our in-person service includes
Holy Communion.
All are invited
The worship service is also conducted via zoom.
Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 506 998 3511
Passcode: 1175
Or dial in:
+1 669 900 6833
+1 719 359 4580
Meeting ID: 506 998 3511
Passcode: 1175
Below is a link the recordings of the service:
Passcode: zQyO?u8g
Passcode: 4b3#!=87
Passcode: 6#dM70Ru
Passcode: gy8$l6CE
Passcode: 9BTj57=$
Klamath Lutheran Church is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
"Liturgy" means "the work of the people" and the worshipping community is invited to participate in the work of church by reading the scriptures, ushering, greeting, acolyting, cantoring, assisting with communion, and assisting with food during coffee hour.
Our church is handicap accessible.
Hearing assists are available.
Klamath Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ congregation. As Christ welcomed all people, we also desire to welcome without regard to age, race, culture, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, or political views. We seek to be united in God's gracious love.